This is the second in a series of posts about co.unruly.control, a functional control library for Java. You can find the introductory post here.

The library all revolves around a single central concept: the Result class. A large part of the reason to use Result is how it can be manipulated, allowing error-handling to be separated from core logic. But before we get to that, there’s another important reason to use Result: it fills an important gap in Java’s API.

Namely, to represent the outcome of an operation which may fail.

This may seem like kind of a huge oversight, seeing as many operations can potentially fail - there’s definitely a need for a tool for that job. That’s not to say Java doesn’t have ways of handling potential failure - it does, just that they’re all bad.

Let’s start with the low-hanging fruit.

Returning null

public Coat illGetMyCoat(CloakroomTicket ticket) {
  return coats.get(ticket);

Do I really need to talk about why null-as-failure is a bad idea? I could requote the inventor of null:

I call it my billion-dollar mistake… I couldn’t resist the temptation to put in a null reference, simply because it was so easy to implement. This has led to innumerable errors, vulnerabilities, and system crashes, which have probably caused a billion dollars of pain and damage in the last forty years. – Tony Hoare, inventor of ALGOL W.

But it’s pertinent to talk about why null-as-failure is bad, for comparison purposes:

1: Nulls are insidious

Nulls can get anywhere. It’s possible for any (ok, any non-primitive) variable to actually be null. In order to have confidence that a value is non-null, you need to make yourself comfortable not just with the functions you call but also the functions they call, recursively.

2: Unhandled nulls manifest late

When you have a variable that’s null, there’s a good chance you’ll pass it around a fair bit before trying to do anything with it. When you do, you’ll get a NullPointerException, but the real problem isn’t the accessing code, it’s the code which generated the null in the first place - which can be a long way away from the problematic code.

3: Nulls carry no information

When you have a null, that represents a failure of some sort - maybe a failure to find a suitable value, maybe a failure to initialise. But it’s important to recognise that failures have sorts: when something fails, you inevitably want to know why. Null values do not carry that information.

Let’s move on.

Return codes

Set<String> names = new HashSet<>();
boolean actuallyRemovedSomething = names.remove("Timmy");

Return codes aren’t frequently used in Java, but they do exist. They’re more common as a pattern in Unix utilities. Using the return value of a function to indicate success or failure opens up a whole world of possibilities.

The example above just returns a boolean, and Unix utilities return ints, but in principle we don’t have to restrict ourselves to such types. We can return rich types with failure details, or highly domain-specific reports. There are just two main problems with this approach:

1: It only works with naturally-void methods

You can only use the return type to indicate the success or failure of a method when you’re not using it for anything else. That means we can only apply this approach when we’re not interested in returning a value, but instead in the side effects of the method.

2: It’s easily ignored

It’s super easy, when writing code like this:

Set<String> names = new HashSet<>();
boolean actuallyRemovedSomething = names.remove("Timmy");

to instead do this:

Set<String> names = new HashSet<>();

It may be that the failure case doesn’t need handling. That’s often true when removing items from a set - less so when persisting a new record to a database.

This probably isn’t an ideal approach unless we really, really don’t care (in general) whether the error is handled or not.

Sentinel values

String findName(String text, String name) {
  int index = text.indexOf(name);
  if(index == -1) {
    return "Text does not include name";
  } else {
    return "Text includes name starting at index " + index;

In the above code, -1 is a sentinel value: it’s part of the return type, but it signifies failure instead of a location in a string. This approach has two key problems:

1: Failures look like successes

When this code fails, it returns a value which can theoretically be used for computation as if it were a success. If the caller isn’t aware of the possibility of failure, this could cause all sorts of interesting behaviour, which could be just subtly wrong instead of blow-up-the-world type wrong.

2: Failures aren’t rich

If I want to find out where in a string I can find a substring, an int is an ideal type to represent that. If I’ve failed to find a substring, int isn’t particularly helpful. Sure, it’s possible to map one type to another, but that’s an extra step which requires consulting the documentation, as opposed to being self-describing.

Multiple Return values

response, err := ETPhoneHome("I can't fly this bike forever!")
if err != nil {
    // handle the error, often:
    return err
// do something with response

This isn’t common in Java, but it’s a standard pattern in Go. It’s really just syntactic sugar around returning a tuple and then destructuring it - we could choose to implement it in Java with something like this:

class Result {
  public final Response response;
  public final Failure err;

  public Result(Response response, Failure err) {
    this.response = response;
    this.err = err;

result = ETPhoneHome("I can't fly this bike forever!")
if result.err != nil {
    // handle the error, often:
    return err
// do something with result.response

This solves some of the problems we had above:

  • It allows a rich type to our failure cases
  • The wrapping in a Result draws the programmer’s attention to the possibility of failure

But we still have an issue where it’s easy to neglect the failure case - here, it would be sloppiness on the caller’s part rather than an insufficiently clear API, but it’s permitted. And it’s an approach which still requires the usual boilerplate around explicit checks.


Well, this is the elephant in the room. Exceptions are probably the most common and de-facto default way of handling errors in Java. There’s a lot that’s good about them:

  • They manifest immediately - none of the late manifestation of nulls
  • They can represent arbitrarily rich failure types, decoupled from success types
  • Handling is optional, but continuing past failure is impossible

But there are some important downsides too:

  • Handling is optional - exceptions can be ignored, leading to program crashes
  • They must be handled locally, in the code immediately surrounding the error-handling
  • They don’t integrate with functional constructs like lambdas and streams well
  • They’re expensive and heavyweight
  • They don’t advertise themselves (we’ll talk checked exceptions separately)
  • Exception handling requires clunky boilerplate

Optional handling can be a boon in cases where we really don’t want to handle an error - it represents being in a state where there is no sensible forward- moving option. This is a good mechanism when the error-case is truly exceptional.

But when it’s more standard, then there are issues: you can’t easily defer handling to another system, their sphere of influence (ie the code which needs to be prepared to handle them) grows as you defer handling by layers, it’s easy to overlook the need to handle them, and handling them is expensive both in terms of runtime performance and readability.

Checked Exceptions

Checked exceptions are intriguing from a design perspective, because they exist for a very good reason: you want to document (and enforce handling of) the errors a user of a method should anticipate.

Or, to paraphrase, checked exceptions are exceptions for non-exceptional circumstances. This trades off one weakness of runtime exceptions - the risk of overlooking them - at the cost of virally propagating boilerplate requirements, and a standard control mechanism using very expensive objects.

There is one other big problem with checked exceptions, and that’s functional programming. Runtime exceptions integrate poorly with functional programming using lambdas and streams, but checked exceptions don’t integrate with it at all.

Exceptions and streams

public Response updateEmail(String requestBody) throws IOException {
    <body elided>

public Stream<Response> updateEmails(Stream<String> requestBodies) throws IOException {

This is the sort of thing you might want to do using Java’s streams: you have a method for dealing with one of an object, and so you take a stream and you map that method over it.

Only thing is: you can’t do this. It won’t compile.

public Response updateEmail(String requestBody) throws IOException {
    <body elided>

public Stream<Response> updateEmails(Stream<String> requestBodies) throws IOException {
>> Unhandled exception:

So, it’s telling us we have an unhandled exception in this::updateEmail, even though we’ve declared our method as throws IOException?

Well, yes, because it’s not that method which throws. We won’t actually execute updateEmail on out stream until we call a terminal method (eg, toList()), and that happens outside the updateEmails method. This is where exception-handling having to be local to the code which throws, rather than generating a value, really starts to hurt us.

If we’re going to be using lambdas and streams, we can’t really make that interface with exception-throwing code. Which is a real problem, because many Java libraries, including large swathes of the JDK itself, throw exceptions for error-handling.


Optional has often been introduced as “a better null”, which is true - but it massively understates its usefulness.

An Optional<T> represents a value which either contains a (guaranteed non-null) T, or doesn’t. So, conceptually, it represents the same data as a nullable value. The difference comes in how you interact with it, because of course an Optional isn’t of the type you actually care about, it’s just a wrapper.

There are three methods to get a value out of an Optional:

optional.orElseGet(() -> value);
optional.orElseThrow(() -> exception);

Each of these requires that you specify what to return if the Optional is in fact empty. In other words, it forces you to handle the failure case, in a clear and concise manner.

There is also a fourth case:


This should never be used, and considered a mistake in the API, an alias for:

optional.orElseThrow(() -> new BadAtProgrammingException());

So, Optional addresses many of the concerns we’ve raised above:

  • It advertises the risk of failure
  • It enforces handling of failures, in a clean, concise manner
  • It supports composition (I’ll get into that in the next post)

There’s just one thing it doesn’t do. Unfortunately, it’s something quite important.

It doesn’t convey any information on failure.

Well, we can fix that.


If an Optional is either a success, carrying a value, or a failure, carrying nothing, then a Result is the logical next step: either a success, carrying a value, or a failure, also carrying a value.

A minimal implementation might look something like this:

public abstract class Result<S, F> {
  private Result<>(); // private constructor prevents new subtypes being added

  public static class Success<S, F> extends Result<S, F> {
    private final S value;
    public Success(S value) { this.value = value; }

  public static class Failure<S, F> extends Result<S, F> {
    private final F failure;
    public Failure(F failure) { this.failure = failure; }

This is just about how to construct such a data type, without worrying about interacting with it yet. We can construct a Result that’s a Success, carrying any type we want, or a Failure, carrying a separate failure type. And when it comes to interacting with it, we can cover all bases like so:

public abstract class Result<S, F> {
  private Result<>(); // private constructor prevents new subtypes being added
  public abstract <R> R either(Function<S, R> onSuccess, Function<F, R> onFailure);
  static <S, F> Result<S, F> success(S value) { return new Success(value); }
  static <S, F> Result<S, F> failure(F failure) { return new Failure(failure); }

  private static class Success<S, F> extends Result<S, F> {
    private final S value;
    public Success(S value) { this.value = value; }
    public <R> R either(Function<S, R> onSuccess, Function<F, R> onFailure) {
      return onSuccess.apply(value);

  private static class Failure<S, F> extends Result<S, F> {
    private final F failure;
    public Failure(F failure) { this.failure = failure; }
    public <R> R either(Function<S, R> onSuccess, Function<F, R> onFailure) {
      return onFailure.apply(failure);

The pink edits mean that the Success and Failure types are an abstraction unavailable to the user: all they can know is they’re dealing with a Result.

The blue additions mean that the only way they can interact with a Result is by giving it two alternative behaviours - one for when it’s a success, and one for when it’s a failure, and they both have to return the same type.

You can find a version of Result following this design - only more fully- featured - in the co.unruly.control library.

So, for example, we might write some Result-handling code like this:

public static void main(String... args) {
  Result<Integer, String> actually42 = success(42);
  Result<Integer, String> notPi = failure("Pi is not an integer");


static void maybePrint(Result<Integer, String> potentialNumber) {
    String msg = potentialNumber.either(
      success -> String.format("My favourite number is %d", success),
      failure -> failure);

It’s worth noting that this approach has only really been practical since the introduction of Java 8, and the ability to provide lambdas - otherwise our handling code would look like the far more unwieldly:

static void maybePrint(Result<Integer, String> potentialNumber) {
    String msg = potentialNumber.either(
      new Function<>() {
        public String apply(int success) {
          return String.format("My favourite number is %d", success);
      new Function<>() {
        public String apply(String failure) {
          return failure;

Ugh. Nobody wants to be doing that.

Summing up Result

So what does Result give us?

  • Advertises the risk of failure
  • Forces safe handling - can’t ignore the error paths
  • Supports arbitrarily rich failures
  • Is not constrained by the locality issues of exceptions
  • Lightweight and serialisable

There are also some very significant benefits in terms of programming patterns that allow multiple operations on Result to be combined together effectively and clearly - and that’s what I’ll be moving on to shortly.

Without Result, there are many ways to represent the outcome of a potentially- failing operation, and all of them are inadequate in at least some situations.

There’s a lot more to programming with Result than what I’ve shown here. But even if there wasn’t, it would still be a better way of dealing with failure than the alternatives.

But that’s not the fun part. Coming up next, we’ll dip our toes into the waters of composing operations by taking a closer look at Optionals and a paradigm I call “Carpet-oriented Programming”.