This is the fourth in a series of posts introducing co.unruly.control, a functional control library for Java. You can find the introductory post here, a critique of different ways to represent failure here, and an overview of carpet-oriented programming - abstracting control flow with Optionals - here.

Java 8 introduced Optional, along with lambdas and method references. There was quite a lot of debate on its API - some wanted it to be just a null-safe container, whereas others lobbied for methods like map() and flatMap().

Getting the API right for foundational types like Optional is really hard. Too many capabilities and the clarity of purpose is obscured; too few and you miss opportunities for powerful constructs.

Optional got it wrong in both directions: it has methods it shouldn’t, and it doesn’t have methods it should. This is a near-unavoidable consequence of a fundamental design mistake: the API of Optional is made of methods instead of functions.

Let’s start with the high-level capabilities it has but shouldn’t, and should have but doesn’t:

  1. Optional.get()

The point of Optional is that it may be empty, and it forces you to instruct it on what to do instead when there’s nothing there. If you want to fail, there’s the much clearer Optional.orElseThrow().

The main reasons I see people using Optional.get() boil down to either not understanding how to effectively compose operations on Optional directly or not respecting the possibility of an Optional being empty - ie, working around safety.

This is a method which shouldn’t be on Optional.

  1. Optional.ifAbsent()

Sometimes, you want to perform a side-effecty action if there’s something in an Optional. For cases like that, there’s ifPresent():

Optional<String> maybeName = Optional.of("Pietr");

Sometimes, you want to perform a side-effecty action if there’s nothing in an Optional. For example:

Optional<String> maybeName = Optional.empty();
maybeName.ifAbsent(() -> LOGGER.warn("No name provided"));

The difference is: ifPresent() exists on the API, and ifAbsent() doesn’t. It’s easy enough to provide our own:

Optional<String> maybeName = Optional.empty();
ifAbsent(maybeName, () -> LOGGER.warn("No name provided"));

public <T> static void ifAbsent(Optional<T> maybe, Runnable task) {
  if(!maybe.isPresent()) {; };

But maybe we want both side-effects:

Optional<String> maybeName = Optional.empty();
ifAbsent(maybeName, () -> LOGGER.warn("No name provided"));

The calling conventions for provided API methods and our own custom interactions are different, which is annoying on a number of fronts. It disguises the symmetry of the two tasks, it makes it clear that custom operations are second-class citizens, we have auto-complete discoverability on API operations but not ours so it’s quite likely users will constantly restrict themselves to the provided API, and so on.

By implementing an API with methods, you are closing it to extension.

Functions: An Alternative to Methods

Maybe, you’re thinking, that’s just life: we can’t expect API implementers to anticipate every possible requirement, and provide a method for each. Even if we could, it wouldn’t be desirable: there would be a big cost to learning how to use such classes. That’s true. However, it’s possible to satisfy every possible requirement on an Optional with just a single method - either:

public abstract class MyOptional<T> {
  private MyOptional() {}
  public static <E> MyOptional<E> of(E value) { return new Present(value); }
  public static <E> MyOptional<E> empty() { return new Absent(); }
  public abstract <R> either(Function<T, R> whenPresent, Supplier<R> whenAbsent);

  private static class Present<T> extends MyOptional<T> {
    private final T value;
    public Present(T value) { this.value = value; }
    public <R> either(Function<T, R> whenPresent, Supplier<R> whenAbsent) {
      return whenPresent.apply(value);

  private static class Absent<T> extends MyOptional<T> {
    public <R> either(Function<T, R> whenPresent, Supplier<R> whenAbsent) {
      return whenAbsent.get();

Literally everything we could ever want to do with an Optional, we can do with this. map() is a one-liner:

public static <T, R> MyOptional<R> map(
  MyOptional<T> maybe, Function<T, R> mapper)
  return maybe.either(v -> MyOptional.of(mapper.apply(v)), MyOptional::empty);

As is flatMap():

public static <T, R> MyOptional<R> flatMap(
  MyOptional<T> maybe, Function<T, Optional<R>> mapper)
  return maybe.either(mapper, MyOptional::empty);

As is orElse():

public static <T> T orElse(MyOptional<T> maybe, T defaultValue) {
  return maybe.either(v -> v, () -> defaultValue);

As is our desired ifAbsent():

public static Void ifAbsent(MyOptional<T> maybe, Runnable whenAbsent) {
  return maybe.either(v -> null, () -> {; return null; });

And so on. By restricting ourselves to primitive operations like either, and then implementing functions using it, we have an extensible approach which allows end-users to add new functionality with the same calling convention as the shipped API.

This isn’t just a case of insurance against oversight in the initial API design: it fundamentally supports a type of abstraction an API made of methods doesn’t. ifAbsent() is the sort of thing you can argue ought to be a method on Optional, but over time you’ll find yourself wanting all sorts of different operations at different levels of abstraction.

From the relatively generic and widespread - like safely casting to a subtype:

public static <T, S extends T> MyOptional<S> castTo(T value, Class<S> subclass) {
  if(subclass.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) {
    return MyOptional.of((S) value);
  } else {
    return MyOptional.empty();

To the highly domain-specific:

public static Optional<Hat> getHat(Person person) {
  if(person.hasHat()) {
    return MyOptional.of(person.getHat());
  } else {
    return MyOptional.empty();

Functions for everybody?

Now, this isn’t desirable for every class. But for sum types like Optional, it’s effectively presenting a pattern match - this code in Java:

public static String getName(MyOptional<Person> maybePerson) {
    return maybePerson.either(
        person -> person.getName(),
        ()     -> "Unknown");

Is equivalent to this code in Haskell:

getName :: Maybe Person -> String
getName person = case person of
    (Just person) -> nameOf person
    Nothing       -> "Unknown"

This is exposing the internals of the class: the opposite of encapsulation. That’s not what we were taught about how to do OO well!

Well, the thing is, MyOptional isn’t really an object. It’s data. We don’t want to limit how people interact with it - we just want to make sure that all the cases are covered, and addresses with code which handles that case.

All the methods - map(), flatMap() and so on - are there as abstractions for convenience, not necessity. They’re common operations, as opposed to fundamental primitives of interacting with the type.

This is in contrast to, say, a BankAccount class, where we definitely do want to limit how the user interacts with the internal state of the object. We can limit access with functions, of course, but the desire for extensibility isn’t the same.

Summing Up

When you have a simple data type, you don’t care how users manipulate it, and a number of higher-order interactions with it, consider using methods to expose that state safely and implement the higher-order interactions using functions. It keeps the data-type implementation small, and encourages extension by users.

There is an important caveat: just doing this alone can lead to unwieldly code. There’s a second part to implementing this well (in Java, anyway): the Applicable Pattern, which I’ll discuss in the next post.