This is the fifth in a series of posts introducing co.unruly.control, a functional control library for Java. You can find the introductory post here, a critique of different ways to represent failure here, an an overview of carpet-oriented programming - abstracting control flow with Optionals - here, and an argument for implementing rich behaviour on datatypes using standalone functions instead of methods here.

So. You’re on board with using functions instead of methods, and you start applying that approach. Most likely, you’ll find that your code is bitty and clunky - it just doesn’t flow like it did when you were happily chaining methods.

Let’s explore that.

Functions? More like clunk-tions!

Using functions instead of methods looks fine in isolation, but the moment you want to do something more complex - like building a carpet-oriented programming pipe - the functional approach starts to get much harder to read.

Let’s take the example of the King of Spain’s Beard from the previous article:

public String describeKingsBeard(Country country) {
  Optional<Person> king = country.getMonarch();
  Optional<Beard> beard = king.flatMap(Person::getBeard);
  Optional<Color> beardColour =;
  Optional<String> message = ->
    String.format("The king of %s has a %s beard", country, colour.describe()));
  return message.orElse(country + " does not have a bearded monarch");

We can rewrite that using MyOptional and functions instead of methods:

public String describeKingsBeard(Country country) {
  MyOptional<Person> king = country.getMonarch();
  MyOptional<Beard> beard = flatMap(king, Person::getBeard);
  MyOptional<Color> beardColour = map(beard, Beard::getColour);
  MyOptional<String> message = map(beardColour, colour ->
    String.format("The king of %s has a %s beard", country, colour.describe()));
  return orElse(message, country + " does not have a bearded monarch");

And at this point, there’s not a lot to argue between the two in terms of readability and conciseness.

However! We don’t leave code like this! We can clean up the code by inlining all these interstitial variables:

public String describeKingsBeard(Country country) {
  return country.getMonarch()
      .map(colour -> String.format("The king of %s has a %s beard",
      .orElse(country + " does not have a bearded monarch");

But when we try to do that to our functional approach:

public String describeKingsBeard(Country country) {
  return orElse(
             colour -> String.format("The king of %s has a %s beard",
           country + " does not have a bearded monarch");

You what?

The problem here is that every time we inline, instead of building a sequence of operations, we’re nesting our calls. More clearly - this code:

public static D getD(A a) {
  B b = a.b();
  C c = b.c();
  D d = c.d();
  return d;

inlines to:

public static D getD(A a) {
  return a.b().c().d();

Whereas this:

public static D getD(A a) {
  B b = b(a);
  C c = c(b);
  D d = d(c);
  return d;

inlines to:

public static D getD(A a) {
  return d(c(b(a)));

The problem here is that method calls are infix, whereas functions are prefix. We can fix that, by introducing a function-infixing operation.

Now, we’re working in Java here, so our tools are limited: that’s fine, we can do this with methods.

public abstract class MyOptional<T> {
  private MyOptional() {}
  public static <E> MyOptional<E> of(E value) { return new Present(value); }
  public static <E> MyOptional<E> empty() { return new Absent(); }
  public abstract <R> either(Function<T, R> whenPresent, Supplier<R> whenAbsent);

  public <R> R then(Function<T, R> function) { return function.apply(this); }

  private static class Present<T> extends MyOptional<T> {
    private final T value;
    public Present(T value) { this.value = value; }
    public <R> either(Function<T, R> whenPresent, Supplier<R> whenAbsent) {
      return whenPresent.apply(value);

  private static class Absent<T> extends MyOptional<T> {
    public <R> either(Function<T, R> whenPresent, Supplier<R> whenAbsent) {
      return whenAbsent.get();

All we’ve done is add a method, which takes a function and applies the function to the object. This means that instead of passing the object into the function, we can pass the function into the object. As it happens, this is done in a chainable way.

This does mean we need to rewrite our methods as higher-order functions: for example, map() goes from this:

public static <T, R> MyOptional<R> map(MyOptional<T> maybe, Function<T, R> mapper) {
  return maybe.either(v -> MyOptional.of(mapper.apply(v)), MyOptional::empty);

to this:

public static <T, R> Function<MyOptional<T>, MyOptional<R>> map(Function<T, R> mapper) {
  return maybe -> maybe.either(v -> MyOptional.of(mapper.apply(v)), MyOptional::empty);

But then it allows us to rewrite our code as follows:

public String describeKingsBeard(Country country) {
  MyOptional<Person> king = country.getMonarch();
  MyOptional<Beard> beard = king.then(flatMap(Person::getBeard));
  MyOptional<Color> beardColour = beard.then(map(Beard::getColour));
  MyOptional<String> message = beardColour.then(map(colour ->
    String.format("The king of %s has a %s beard", country, colour.describe())));
  return message.then(orElse(country + " does not have a bearded monarch"));

Which then inlines to this:

public String describeKingsBeard(Country country) {
  return country.getMonarch()
      .then(map(colour -> String.format("The king of %s has a %s beard",
      .then(orElse(country + " does not have a bearded monarch"));

Which is a little more verbose than the traditional method-chaining approach, but not that makes a big difference:

public String describeKingsBeard(Country country) {
  return country.getMonarch()
      .map(colour -> String.format("The king of %s has a %s beard",
      .orElse(country + " does not have a bearded monarch");

It’s certainly a darn sight better than trying to use functions without the then() method.

Functions are everywhere!

It turns out that building an API out of higher-order functions is useful, as there are a bunch of other places in modern Java where you’d want to use them. For example: streams. If we stop binding over the country in the example above:

public String describeKingsBeard(Country country) {
  return country.getMonarch()
      .then(map(colour -> String.format("Found a king with a %s beard",
      .then(orElse("Found a country which does not have a bearded monarch"));

Then it’s easy to modify the method to take a Stream<Country>:

public Stream<String> describeKingsBeard(Stream<Country> countries) {
      .map(map(colour -> String.format("Found a king with a %s beard",
      .map(orElse("Found a country without a bearded monarch"));

We just replace then() with map(), and it works in-place. We can’t do that so easily with our method-chained example - we can turn our calls into lambdas:

public Stream<String> describeKingsBeard(Stream<Country> countries) {
      .map(monarch -> monarch.flatMap(Person::getBeard))
      .map(beard ->
      .map(bc -> -> String.format("Found a king with a %s beard",
      .map(message -> message.orElse("Found a country without a bearded monarch"));

Or we can nest the whole chain approach:

public Stream<String> describeKingsBeard(Stream<Country> countries) {
  return -> country.getMonarch()
        .map(colour -> String.format("The king of %s has a %s beard",
        .orElse(country + " does not have a bearded monarch")

Or we could extract it and deal with it separately:

public Stream<String> describeKingsBeard(Stream<Country> countries) {

public String describeKingsBeard(Country country) {
  return country.getMonarch()
      .then(map(colour -> String.format("Found a king with a %s beard",
      .then(orElse("Found a country which does not have a bearded monarch"));

Now, you may argue that none of these are that bad. The point is: you have to stop and think about how to make this work in the context of a Stream, whereas with the functional approach you’re already thinking in terms of the higher-order functions that a Stream needs.

Universal Piping

There’s another approach that could be taken here: instead of putting a then() method on classes, we could just create a wrapper with a then() method:

public class Piper<T> {
  private final T element;

  public Piper<>(T element) { this.element = element; }

  public <R> Piper<R> then(Function<T, R> f) {
    return new Piper<>(f.apply(element));

  public T resolve() { return element; }

This does mean we need to wrap and unwrap the objects at each end of a chain. But this provides a very important function: it allows us to chain custom operations on arbitrary objects. That’s useful when wanting to chain on types you don’t control, but it turns out to be pretty much essential for generic programming: this will become apparent once we get into railway-oriented programming with Result.

Speaking of which: maybe it’s time to move on from carpet-oriented programming to the good stuff.