This is the sixth in a series of posts introducing co.unruly.control, a functional control library for Java. Previous parts:

Before we start, I’d recommend at least reading Carpet-oriented programming.

So. We’ve got this concept of carpet-oriented programming - of building a pipeline of operations which could fail, sweeping any failures under the carpet, and only thinking about whether it succeeded or not (and what to do about failures) at the end.

One thing this approach lacks is any feedback as to how, or why, it failed.

If we fail, we just get Optional.empty(). So instead of having a type which is either a value (of an arbitrary type) or nothing, what if we have a type which is either a success (of an arbitrary type) or a failure (of an arbitrary type)?

Let’s update MyOptional to do that. Before:

public abstract class MyOptional<T> {
  private MyOptional() {}
  public static <E> MyOptional<E> of(E value) { return new Present(value); }
  public static <E> MyOptional<E> empty() { return new Absent(); }
  public abstract <R> either(Function<T, R> whenPresent, Supplier<R> whenAbsent);
  public <R> R then(Function<T, R> function) { return function.apply(this); }

  private static class Present<T> extends MyOptional<T> {
    private final T value;
    public Present(T value) { this.value = value; }
    public <R> either(Function<T, R> whenPresent, Supplier<R> whenAbsent) {
      return whenPresent.apply(value);

  private static class Absent<T> extends MyOptional<T> {
    public <R> either(Function<T, R> whenPresent, Supplier<R> whenAbsent) {
      return whenAbsent.get();


public abstract class Result<S, F> {
  private MyOptional() {}
  public static <S, F> Result<S, F> success(S value) { return new Success(value); }
  public static <S, F> Result<S, F> failure(F value) { return new Failure(value); }
  public abstract <R> either(Function<S, R> onSuccess, Function<F, R> onFailure);
  public <R> R then(Function<T, R> function) { return function.apply(this); }

  private static class Success<S, F> extends Result<S, F> {
    private final S value;
    public Success(S value) { this.value = value; }
    public <R> either(Function<S, R> onSuccess, Function<F, R> onFailure) {
      return onSuccess.apply(value);

  private static class Failure<S, F> extends Result<S, F> {
    private final F value;
    public Failure(F value) { this.value = value; }
    public <R> either(Function<S, R> onSuccess, Function<F, R> onFailure) {
      return onFailure.apply(value);

All we’ve done is replace the non-value carrying Absent subtype with a generic value-carrying Failure subtype, and update either() to take a Function in both cases (instead of a Supplier for the absent case).

This means in order to construct a failing Result, we need to tell it why it failed. Instead of:

public class King {
  private final Beard beard;
  private final String name;
  public Optional<Beard> getBeard() {
    return Optional.ofNullable(beard);

We could write:

public class King {
  private final Beard beard;
  private final String name;
  public Result<Beard, String> getBeard() {
    if(this.beard != null) {
      return success(beard);
    } else {
      return failure(name + " does not have a beard");

Building a pipeline

So, we have a single value which can represent either a success or a failure. Now we can build variations of map(), flatMap() and orElse() for Result.

Instead of map(), we have onSuccess(), which will transform a value if it’s a success but leave failures untouched:

public static <IS, OS, F> Function<Result<IS, F>, Result<OS, F>> onSuccess(
  Function<IS, OS> f)
  return result -> result.either(
    succ -> success(f.apply(succ)),
    fail -> failure(fail)

Instead of flatMap(), we have attempt(), which transforms a success into either a success or failure, but leaves failures untouched:

public static <IS, OS, F> Function<Result<IS, F>, Result<OS, F>> attempt(
  Function<IS, Result<OS, F>> f)
  return result -> result.either(
    succ -> f.apply(succ),
    fail -> failure(fail)

Instead of orElse(), we have ifFailed(), which resolves a Result into a value by turning failure types into an instance of our desired, successful type:

public static <S, F> Function<Result<S, F>, S> ifFailed(Function<F, S> resolver) {
  return result -> result.either(
    succ -> succ,
    fail -> resolver.apply(fail)

On naming things

Why all the renames? Don’t map(), flatMap() and orElse() seem as appropriate to Result as they do to Optional?

Well, this is partly a matter of personal taste: I don’t think those names are super appropriate in Java. It’s different in Haskell, where you can meaningfully abstract over all the things that have similar map methods - these things aren’t just conceptually similar, they’re polymorphically the same abstraction. That’s not true here, so I’d rather give them more evocative names.

It’s also a matter of what else we can do with Results. I’ll come to that in a later post, though, because it’s worth observing what we have here first.

Putting it together

With this one simple change, we can now build pipelines which carry on happily doing their own thing, putting failures to one side. Now, though, when they fail, they convey information as to why, which we can handle at the end.

Which means, to hark back to the first post in the series, we can now see what’s going on here:

public Response updateEmail(String requestBody) {
  return objectMapper.readValue(requestBody, EmailChangeRequest.class)
    .then(attempt(req -> pair(accountRepository.get(, req)))
    .then(onSuccess(pair -> pair.account.setEmail(pair.change.newEmail)))
    .then(ifFailed(reason -> Response.badRequest(reason)));

We’re reading a value from a String into an EmailChangeRequest. That’s deserialisation - an operation which can fail - so we get a Result<EmailChangeRequest, String>, with a message in the failure case. Then:

  • Validation can fail, so we need to attempt it.
  • Canonicalisation always works, so we can just do it.
  • Finding the account in the database can fail, so we need to attempt it.
  • Updating a record we have with an e-mail in-memory we have always works, so we can just do it.
  • Persisting that record back to the database can fail, so we need to attempt it.
  • Creating an OK response always works, so we do it
  • If any previous step has failed, that failure message will have cascaded through to the last line, and we can use it to build an appropriate response.

None of the methods like validateEmail(), accountRepository.update() and so on need to care about a Result going in, or what the previous failure modes might be. All they need to do is provide a Result themselves - and that’s only if they might fail. Methods like Email::canonicalise (which always succeed) don’t need to know anything about the Result context at all.

Railway-Oriented Programming

This is often referred to as “Railway-Oriented programming” - visualising the control flow as two train tracks, one of which carries successes and another which carries failures.

Sometimes trains will hit a function on the success track which transforms them. That won’t affect trains on the failure track - they’ll just trundle on by. That’s onSuccess().

Sometimes trains will hit a function on the success track which could either leave them on the success track, or route them to the failure track. Trains on the failure track will also trundle by. That’s attempt().

And then sometimes we’ll merge the tracks and just have values, instead of results. That’s ifFailed().

And that’s railway-oriented programming in a nutshell. It’s a way to string together a sequence of possibly-failing operations, marking the operations which might fail, and deferring the need to handle failures to a single point. And these three primary functions are all you need to know.

Now, that said, there’s a whole lot more you could know, to do some much more interesting and powerful stuff…